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ALAN STATION 100 PLUS 1 + 1 ANTENNA Myrmidon BRAVO-150 + 1 175 BM MAGNETIC BASE PL Magnetic base 175 mm. Supplied with 4.5 m cable and connector PL more Manufacturer: alan Reference ALAN100KITA

111,32 incl. VAT
92,00€ w/o VAT
Delivery price from 30,25€
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ALAN 100 PLUS is the equipment that we have designed for the new cebeístas. It has the essential elements for a good communication: some practical volume controls and the silencer that help to obtain an optimal reception, while to improve the audio a new condenser microphone has been studied. Antenna MIRMIDON BRAVO-150 Antenna CB 27 Mhz, 150 cm., With spring. HIGH PERFORMANCE Magnetic base with 4.5 m of cable RG58 special for radio communication, with connector PL MALE on the end of the cable and PL FEMALE on the magnetic base, diameter of the base 15 cm

alan 100

Contents of the kit
  • 1 Alan 100 with cigarette lighter connector
  • 1 Bravo Antenna 150
  • 1 Magnetic Base BM150

base magnética con 4,5 mts de cable rg58 especial para radiocomunicación, con conector pl macho en el extremo del cable y pl hembra en la base magnética, diametros de la base 15 centimetros


  • Direct access to channels 9 and 19
  • Channel indicator display
  • UP / DOWN selectors in front
  • Volume Control
  • Squelch control
  • Led indicator Tx
  • External speaker jack
  • 4 pin micro connector
  • Antenna connector SO239
  • Channels 40 AM / FM
  • Frequencies 26,965 - 27.405 MHz
  • Supply voltage 13.8 Vdc
  • Dimensions 180x125x38 mm
  • Weight 950 g
  • Sensitivity> 1µV for 20dB SINAD
  • Audio output power max. 4.5W @ 40hm
  • Audio distortion <8% @ 1 KHz
  • Consumption 250 mA
  • Output power 1W AM - 4W FM
  • AM modulation: 90% - FM 2KHz

Accessories 1/12