N-AIR10 N Male Connector for SSB Aircom Plus and EcoFlex10 cables, MESSI & PAOLONI M&P Ultraflex 10, Hyperflex 10, Airborne 10, K-PO HF-5000

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| The connector comes with two pins for different AIRCOM PLUS and ECOFLEX 10 cables. | | | Connector assembly 
In the image we can see a small diagram of how the connector should be mounted. | | Mounting It is very important that the silver piece that we see in the image is located inside the cable between the mesh and the live protection itself. |
N-AIR10 N Male Connector for SSB Aircom Plus and EcoFlex10 cables, MESSI & PAOLONI M&P Ultraflex 10, Hyperflex 10, Airborne 10, K-PO HF-5000 | |