!! HIGH LUMINOSITY PROFESSIONAL LANTERN !! | | !! POWERFUL BEAM OF LIGHT, LAST GENERATION CREE LED !! | | TR-REBEL PROFESSIONAL CREE LED LANTERN. Very manageable and powerful flashlight with 1 long-lasting LED over 100,000 hours, more than 10 years. TR-REBEL PROFESSIONAL CREE LED FLASHLIGHT Ideal for hunting, professional uses, security, companies, police. This flashlight produces an incredible amount of lumens. Perfectly concentrated focus, without shadows or strange shapes. Flashlight body, are made of aerospace aluminum. includes 1 CR123 LITHIUM battery > Measurements: 9 cm > Autonomy: up to 120 min. > Lumens: 160 It includes: 1 LITHIUM CR 123A battery 1 Belt holster. |

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TR-REBEL PROFESSIONAL CREE LED LANTERN. Very manageable and powerful flashlight with 1 long-lasting LED over 100,000 hours, more than 10 years. TR-REBEL PROFESSIONAL CREE LED FLASHLIGHT Ideal for hunting, professional uses, security, companies, police. This flashlight produces an incredible amount of lumens. Perfectly concentrated focus, without shadows or strange shapes. Flashlight body, are made of aerospace aluminum. includes 1 CR123 LITHIUM battery > Measurements: 9 cm > Autonomy: up to 120 min | |