MIDLAND SRH 536 FLEXIBLE ANTENNA FOR WALKIES VALID FOR 144/430 MHZ Antenna for walkie MIDLAND SRH 536 Bands (144MHz), (430MHz). TX / RX RX reception: 144/430/300/800/900 Mhz.
 REF. SRH 536 Super flexible 1/4 wave antenna with SMA connector, ideal to get the most out of Bi-band walkies example: Kenwood TH F7, Yaesu VX 7, VX 110, VX120, Yaesu FT 60 etc. It is also valid for scanning: Example: Alinco DJX 3, Icom IC R5 etc. Note: TX is transmission RX is reception FEATURES: Power Power: 10W -Connector Connector: SMA -Impedance Impedance: 50 ohms -ROESWR: 1.5 -Weight Weight: 15gr -Wave lenght wavelength: 1/4 (144MHz), 1/4 (430MHz) -Length Lenght: 36cm |