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CA35SFF Lightning protector SHEMBRA connector - SHEMBRA

CA35SFF Protector against lightning discharges connector S FEMALE - S FEMALE. The lightning protector is the element that prevents electrical discharges from storms from entering the installation and reaching the installed elements more Reference CA35SFF

35,04 incl. VAT
28,96€ w/o VAT
Delivery price from 30,25€
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Coaxial DC lightning protector at 500 Mhz Maximum power 400W. The coaxial lightning surge protector protects your valuable communication equipment from lightning strikes. The lightning protector is the element that prevents electrical discharges from storms from entering the installation and reaching the installed elements, for example mast amplifier, power supplies, radio station, etc. The arrester absorbs the electricity and diverts it to ground.

The ground cable with a minimum section of 3 mm is recommended.
Note: If it is installed outside, place it in a place protected from the rain.

CA35SFF Protector contra descargas de rayos conector S HEMBRA - S HEMBRA

kit content
  • 1 HKCA-35-SFF Shield

CA35SFF Protector contra descargas de rayos conector S HEMBRA - S HEMBRA

hamking protector coaxial de rayos dc a 1000mhz max.400w


  • Frequencies DC-500Mhz
  • HF/ VHF /UHF bands
  • Impedance 50 ohms
  • Maximum power 400 watts
  • Connector 1 S- Female
  • Connector 1 S-Male
  • VSWR 1.1
  • Star screw ground connector
  • Lost 0.2dB
  • Discharge capacity: 6000A
  • Retention discharge capacity: DC350v ± 20%
  • Insulating resistance DC100v:
  • Measures 62 x 35 x 20mm
  • Weight 74 grams.