Once have set up the detector situates one in a zone free from metal and from possible interferences and light the team pressing the switch POWER.
POWER Lights and puts out the team
SENSIVITY Fits the sensitivity (power )
MODE Selector of manner of searching.
Description of the screen:
In the upside notice a row of 5 segments rectangular of color black that tally to groups of metals classified according to his ferrosidad and conductivity (the most more ferrous to the left) and more more conductive (for example her silver) rightwards. On each segment estescrito that names in English of the possible metal that him corresponds.
When occurs a finding appears other segment fair on that
Segment to which tallies (By example If one lights under iron means
That has detected an object of iron.
When pressure MODE change the kind of discriminitacion and one put out or light different segments. If the segment estapagado when one produces a finding that tallies to this segment, the team not emitirninguna signal from audio to this effect one him calls discriminitacion and one is used to eliminate signals not wished.
All metal (Every metal) the detector señalartodos the metals that locates.
JEWERELY (Manner jewels) One apagarel segment corresponding to the iron detecting all the metals excepting this.
COINS (coins) One put out the segment corresponding to the iron and to the washers of aluminium of the cans of cool drink
The prompt of depth COIN DEPH of daruna idea approximated (in inches) to that depth one finds the white.