Sadelta SWR-27-DL is a standing wave ratio (SWR) meter and wattmeter designed specifically for use in CB (Citizen Band) radio equipment. This device features two instruments in one, allowing you to measure both the SWR and the power output of the rad more Manufacturer: sadelta Reference SWR27DL EAN 8435371916278
The SADELTA SWR-27DL is a standing wave ratio (SWR) meter and wattmeter designed specifically for use in CB (Citizen Band) radio equipment. This device features two instruments in one, allowing you to measure both the SWR and the power output of the radio.
The meter has a power scale ranging from 10 to 100 watts, allowing you to measure the power output of your CB equipment. The meter's operating frequency covers the range of 26 to 30 MHz, which is the frequency range commonly used in CB radios.
The impedance of the meter is 50 Ohms, which is compatible with most CB radios and antenna systems used in these types of applications. Regarding its dimensions, the meter is approximately 120 mm long, 55 mm wide and 60 mm high, making it compact and easy to transport or place in your radio station. The connector used in the meter is a PL female type, which is a connector commonly used in radio frequency applications, the SWR27DL is an SWR meter and wattmeter for CB radios that allows you to measure the SWR and output power of your equipment, with a power range of 10 to 100 watts, an operating frequency of 26 to 30 MHz, and an impedance of 50 Ohms. Its dimensions are approximately 120 x 55 x 60 mm, and it uses a female PL connector.
The SWR test provides the transmitter user with a reliable indication of the condition of their antenna and installation. To achieve maximum power radiation, proper matching between the antenna, coaxial cable, and transmitter is required. In an ideal world, from the station, through the entire transmission line to the antenna, we should maintain an impedance of 50 ohms. However, due to inherent imperfections, a perfect match is rarely achieved, resulting in a certain degree of mismatch of impedance values. This mismatch can be measured by evaluating the presence of Standing Waves, whether caused by the coaxial cable, the connectors or the antenna itself. Measuring Standing Waves involves sampling direct power (FWR) and reflected power (REF), comparing them, and expressing the difference as a ratio between reflected power and direct power.
When there is a mismatch in the adaptation between the transmitter and the antenna, power reflections occur, resulting in a certain loss of transmission power, generally very insignificant. But what we should really worry about about the measured SWR value is the impedance mismatch between the antenna and the transmitter. The transmitter has an impedance of 50 ohms and the measured SWR indicates the level of this mismatch in the line to the antenna. The final result of this impedance mismatch, above certain levels, can damage or even be lethal to the transmitter, to the point of causing serious damage or rendering the transmitter permanently unusable.
An SWR ratio of 1:1 indicates a perfect impedance match between the transmitter and antenna, which is considered optimal. A ratio of 1:1 is the ideal target in terms of impedance matching and shows a perfect match between the transmitter and antenna. This would be the goal to achieve, but often difficult to achieve. From here we can obtain different measurements, depending on the adjustment of the antenna, the cable, the connectors?
Obviously, the closer the SWR measurement is to 1:1, the greater safety and performance for our equipment and means that the antenna is perfectly adapted to the transmitter. A ratio of up to 1:5 is considered satisfactory and a maximum ratio of 2:1 can be considered acceptable. Above this value, in addition to the loss of equipment efficiency, the transmitter is put at risk and may suffer a serious breakdown. If the meter exceeds the acceptable ratios, you should immediately check the antenna and the installation to try to reduce the unwanted values as much as possible and of course it should not be transmitted so as not to seriously damage the equipment.