YAESU VX-color 7REN Walkie BLACK Triband HF / VHF / UHF + 1 Pinganillo VX7 GIFT PIN 29 1 CHARGER AND POWER OF LIGHTER! NEW - COLOR BLACK MODEL The first ultra portable compact tri-band amateur underwater world. Protected against water more Manufacturer: yaesu Reference VX7RENEGROKITA
The Yaesu VX-7R ultra compact submersible triband portable amateur equipment from the world. Fully waterproof protected against water complying with the standard.
The Yaesu VX-7R is built for outstanding endurance, in extreme use. In addition, you can have a Dual reception, operating in 50/144 and 430 MHz.
This team includes two important innovations:
1. An LED Indicator with different colors that works as a stroboscope
2. Internet hotkey to work on WIRE.
The Yaesu VX-7R is a three-band FM microtransceiver with extensive reception frequency coverage, which offers the user the most advanced technology in bilateral VHF and UHF communications between amateurs, along with a set of features one-of-a-kind monitoring.
The small size of the Yaesu VX-7R allows you to take it with you everywhere: when you go hiking, skiing or when you go for a walk in town.
The functional flexibility of the transceiver offers the user several avenues so that he can fully enjoy all its possibilities.
In addition to alternate operation on the 50, 144, and 430 MHz bands, the optional Barometric Pressure Sensor Unit measures pressure and elevation when climbing a mountain or hiking, and also generates Weather Reports with data collected during the trek. measurement.
The transmitter section supplies a clean 5 watt power output during FM work on the 50, 144 and 430 MHz bands when using the transceiver with the supplied FNB-80LI Battery, while providing a 0.3 watt output on 222 MHz, plus 1 watt of carrier output power while working in AM on the 50 MHz band.
The Yaesu VX-7R comes with two built-in tone signaling formats, CTCSS and DCS, including Yaesu's exclusive ARTS Automatic Distance Verification Transponder System, which generates a "beep" to warn the user when they have moved away. of the range of another station also equipped with this type of signaling system.